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How has your water consumption been lately? On the 10-Day Reset ample water consumption is a big deal! Drink it as pure as you can get and drink a lot! But how much is too much?

Even with water, too much of a good thing is good for nothing, as the saying goes. So, how much really is optimal? When asked by clients I usually refer to our bodies as potted plants. When a really dry plant is watered it takes a while for the water to permeate all of the plant and soil before the excess runs out at the bottom, it is similar with our bodies when we are dehydrated, it takes a while for the water we drink to replenish our cells before it comes back out as urine. The longer it takes to come back out the more dehydrated your body. Hydrated bodies urinate, it's that simple!

A flush, however, is different from regular water consumption. The purpose of a flush is to aid your body's natural detoxification process. It supports your liver, kidney and large intestines to move extra waste and toxins out of your body through sweat and defecation. With that we are back to the question of how much? Here's my liquid calculation from experience with different clients and their different lifestyles, use it as a starting point to figure out what works best for you.

CALCULATING DAILY LIQUID CONSUMPTION (using an 8oz cup measurement)

start with the base consumption for your age and add accordingly from the options. To calculate how many liters divide by 4.22.

0 to 10 years - 1 cup

11 to 19 years - 2 cups

20 to 50 years 3 cups

50 plus 4 cups

(add only the ones that apply to you)

on supplements and medication - 3 cups

smoke -3 cups

drink alcohol - 3 -5 cups

pregnant/lactating - 3 - 5 cups

sednatary - 2 cups

active - 3 -4 cups

very active - 5 - 6

water wasters (sweats heavily) - 2 -4 cups

tropical weather - 2 -4cups

pregnant/lactating - 3 - 5

For myself a very active 39 year old water waster living in Trinidad, my water total will be between 13 to 20 cups or 3 to 4.7 liters of water. On days of less activity it will be between 2.5 to 3 liters.

Note that liquid consumption also includes juices, teas, coffee. Fruits and vegetables also have high water content but for this daily calculation of liquid it is not included here. Focus on getting most of your liquid in from water and make the other choices secondary.

Going to the toilet many times during the day can be a task but your body will thank you for it with clean skin, fresher breath and the overall feeling of accomplishment from knowing you did your body right!

~~live healthy

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