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So Much More than

Weight Loss

Is this You on a Diet?


Earn crazy discounts for the next cycle

  • You’ve done other programs in the past but couldn't survive pass day 3. Accountability has always been a sore point.

  • You’re hungry all the time.

  • You’ve tried more diet programs than you'd like to admit.

  • You know you want to lose the extra weight but the motivation to get started and keep going is just never there! 


Yesterday my boss was shocked to see that my hips were smaller than hers, not that I’m competing with her but she always has a comment on how big they are, when we measured it felt really good.



This program is designed to keep you accountable, encouraged and WINNING! Each week you’ll find yourself WANTING to do more and keep on track!

  • It's about eating healthy delicious meals and still reaching and exceeding your goals.

  • It's about understanding and trusting a new way to eating healthy.

  • It's about learning what's right for YOUR body and trusting the process.

  • 10 in 6 is not a quick fix, its a sure and steady way to REACH, REMAIN  and MAINTAIN your HEALTHY weight goal



What's in the Plan



~o~ Coaching by our certified Lifestyle and Weight Loss Management Specialist.
~o~ MEMBERS ONLY ACCESS to the 10in6 Exercise and WORKOUT Library
~o~ INDIVIDUAL CHECK-INS by our coach to keep you accountable and on track
~o~ Periodized training guidelines for your workouts
~o~ Your own PRIVATE ONLINE Log-in

~o~ Join our EXCLUSIVE  10 in 6 Community for support and inspiration
~o~ Weekly Food Strategy and Meal Planning
~o~ One on One consultation sessions (Premium Program)
~o~ Personalized nutrition guidelines (Premium Program)
~o~ 24 hour what's app hotline access


One thing is certain: YOU WILL NOT BE BORED!

Along with your workouts you will also receive nutrition guidelines for eating and surviving the next six weeks by joining our live weekly FIT FOOD TALKS.

It's about lifestyle changes that make permanent. This new cycle has more activities online to keep you accountable and motivated. New workouts! Goal Target Checkers and better accountability strategies to keep you on track!


 If you love a challenge but needed that boost to keep you accountable, this program is perfectly made for you!

So if you are ready, let’s go!

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Check out some of the meals created by our members and what they have to say about the program...

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